Design and Technology (D&T) is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject which prepares all young people to live and work in the designed and made world. Cultural capital and British values are explored across the key stages by appreciation of the work of others locally, nationally and occasionally internationally, each subject SOW identifies and relates to real contextual challenges focusing upon ethics, people, communities or businesses. Design and Technology builds on the skills and knowledge pupils have already learnt at primary school together with base line testing and transition work staff are well informed of the pupils starting point as they commence KS3. The DT curriculum is collaboratively and coherently planned and sequenced across Years 7-9 to ensure that pupils build on all aspects of prior learning that stretches and challenges regardless of starting point. Retrieval and repetition are features of pupils learning and understanding as each annual rotation builds upon prior knowledge and expertise as we develop the 4 areas of mastery namely: designing, making, evaluating and technical knowledge. The design technology curriculum covers all aspects of the national curriculum.
Design Technology progression builds upon procedural knowledge and skills therefore offering year on year incremental challenge. As pupils progress through Key Stage 3, they are given the opportunity to focus on specific areas of the subject such as Product Design, Food Technology, Electronics & Systems, Textiles and Graphics. Pupils follow a rotation of work in 4 subject disciplines each year from years 7 to 9 looking at different contextual challenges. Pupils work in mixed ability groups in years 7 – 9. All teachers are aware of any disadvantaged pupils on the DT department tracking sheets and class lists on Aspire 5 and pupil premium, all teachers are reminded of their responsibility to ensure that any obstacles to learning are removed. The department supports the needs of all pupils regardless of any potential barriers as we believe in ‘success for all’ and are wholly inclusive.
The GCSE is split into 50/50 coursework and exam. Our curriculum offer is routinely reviewed and updated to ensure we remain current and ambitious to all pupils. Reading is promoted in each classroom with an area devoted to subject specific learning. Reading features in all units of work as topical themed news articles raising the profile of the subject whilst developing thinking skills.
The DT curriculum reflects the local (Birmingham) context by addressing potential gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills, thereby ensuring they can contribute to requirements at local businesses such as JCB & Jaguar – Land Rover(JLR). We have high academic/ vocational/ technical ambition for all pupils.
Our Teachers
- Mrs C Coates – Teacher of Design & Technology
Ms Dowe – Teacher of Food Technology