Students are expected to be smart at all times:
- Shirts must be tucked in neatly
- Ties should be worn at a reasonable length to show eight stripes below the knot
- Smart office style shoes should be worn, no trainers or pumps and no shoes with logos on.
- Skirts and trousers must be an appropriate length, colour and fit – not jersey material
- All coats, trainers, hats, and scarves must be removed when entering the school building
Academy Uniform
- Plain navy blue blazer with an embroidered school badge – required
- Light blue shirt – required
- School tie – required
- Grey V-necked jumper – optional
- Plain grey trousers/skirt – required
- Plain black socks (no trainer socks) or opaque black tights – required
- OR Plain grey trousers, not skinny fit, leggings or jeans – required
- Plain black sock or opaque black tights – required
- Plain black sock or opaque black tights – required
- OR Plain grey trousers, not skinny fit, leggings or jeans – required
- Plain office-style black school shoes – required
- Head scarf – Black or Navy blue (optional)
PE Uniform
- Navy and light blue collar t-shirt – required
- Matching shorts or tracksuit bottoms – required
- Navy blue socks – required
- Trainers – required
The Academy reserves the right to send home any student whose uniform does not conform to these standards.

We have a small stock of spare uniform and PE kit which we can loan out to families who are requiring support. Contact [email protected] for assistance.
Branded school items are available from the following suppliers:

Students can wear the following jewellery in school:
- Two pairs of studs, sleepers, or small earrings per ear
- One watch
- One small ring
- One discrete nose stud
Hair Styles
We have adopted the Halo code to celebrate individuality and identity, however, extreme changes of hair colour which are not “natural” are not permitted.
Make-up and Nails
Students can wear make-up, but this must be discreet; heavy make-up should be removed.
Students can paint their nails one colour. However, long nail extensions, nail art or fluorescent nail varnish is not allowed. Those whose nail varnish, or nails, do not conform to these standards will be expected to either cut or remove their nail varnish or extensions.
We expect every student to be prepared for every school day. Please ensure you have the basic items and equipment for every lesson:
- Pen
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Rubber
- Sharpener
- Student Planner
In order to keep books, equipment and PE kit neat and safe, students should have a suitable bag to carry their belongings. We recommend a sturdy backpack, with a secure fastening, which has their name clearly labelled.
Students will be given an exercise book or folder for each subject. If the student loses or willingly damages any equipment provided for them, they will be expected to pay for a replacement.
Shirt Sleeve Order
On days when there is extreme heat, we will insist on Shirt Sleeve Order so that students can remain cool in the heat. Quite simply, this means uniform as normal except for tie and blazer. When this is in force, students should:
- Not bring or wear coats or jackets – coats should not be worn instead of blazers.
- Bring their blazers to wear in the event of any sudden change in weather. These may be kept in their bag.
- Not wear a tie or blazer. Not bring or wear the optional V-neck grey jumpers.
- Ensure they have taken any hayfever medication and have brought a re-fillable water bottle. Students can fill their water bottles at the water fountains before and after school, break and lunch. At break and lunch they can choose to sit in the canteen and not go outside.
- Hats are not permitted to be worn in school. Students that bring a cap to protect them from the sun can wear them outside on hot days but they must be removed upon re-entering the building.