Arena Academy is a school of opportunity, where students develop, succeed and thrive. In our Arena of dreams, we work as a team to open the doors to our students’ future aspiration and success. Through excellent teaching and learning, opportunities and enrichment, and a community founded on compassion, we instil in our students the strength, determination, and courage they need to succeed and become the champions we believe they are.
At Arena Academy our champions:
- Collaborate and succeed by working as a team
From students’ arrival in year 7, we nurture team work, providing experiences that show them they can achieve more when they support one another – while also building their self-confidence, tolerance and empathy towards others.
- Develop by taking on new opportunities
Through our extensive activities programme, which includes extra-curricular sports, the Combined Cadets Force and the COREUs choir, our students participate, compete, and challenge themselves and learn important life skills like problem solving, listening and leadership along the way.
- Care by respecting and looking after each other
Community is at the heart of our Arena. We work in partnership with parents, carers, and people of the community to support students to become exemplary citizens. We come together at times at celebration, for our many performances and prizes; and in solidarity at times of need, with our community food and clothes bank a staple of Arena life.
- Achieve by giving 100% in everything
Our ambitious curriculum enables students to achieve qualifications in a wide range of subjects at the highest levels, and each year we are proud to see our champions unlock the doors to exciting futures in further education, training and work. They leave us with the knowledge, skills, resilience and kindness to compete confidently and fairly – whatever challenges life throws in their way.
Arena Academy is our arena of dreams, where champions are nurtured to achieve more than they ever dreamed possible.
I look forward to welcoming you to our Arena.

Mr R Mann

The Senior Leadership team work together to raise standards in the classroom, lead by example and ensure great communication.

Mr Mann – Headteacher

Mr Malik – Deputy Headteacher

Ms Kilroy – Assistant Headteacher – Safeguarding & Attendance

Mr Afzal – Assistant Headteacher – Curriculum & Assessment

Ms Curtis – Assistant Headteacher – Teaching & Learning

Ms Guest – Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development

Mr Ahmed – SENDCo

Mr Stephens – Associate Assistant Headteacher – Key Stage 3 outcomes

Ms Campbell-Williams – Pastoral Manager and Deputy DSL