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Our view on homework is that it should stimulate curiosity and encourage students to explore learning independently. We want students to learn more, know more and remember more. To embed the learning that takes place within the classroom, homework is set by teachers to support our student’s learning journey in each subject. Homework allows teachers to ascertain where student understanding needs further consolidation.

Educational research shows that retrieval-based practice helps to minimise the forgetting curve and to such an extent, our homework will be interleaved and re-visit previously taught topics over time.

Students will receive most homework via online packages that can be accessed via a computer, tablet or mobile device. At both KS3 and KS4, online packages include but are not limited to: Reading Plus, Sparx Maths, Educake, GCSE Pod and Seneca Learning. Some homework will be paper-based and at Key Stage 4 will include practice exam questions.

We do not always believe that homework should contain a deadline and a consequence if not done, however, we recognise that occasionally there is a need for this approach across subjects.

Our expectation is that all students engage with and complete all homework set for them and we ask for your support to reinforce this message. We will never issue a sanction to a student that finds the homework difficult, however the onus is on the student to seek support from their subject teacher prior to the day of the deadline. We are keen for students to develop independence, ownership of their learning and good study habits that will last with them beyond their school experience.

Subject teachers will set homework for their class on the same day each week and will typically last 30 minutes.  Students will have a week, to complete the work. Some subjects, particularly practical and coursework based subjects may set homework less frequently and it may take students longer to complete.

If your child is struggling with access to Class charts it is their responsibility to inform their Head of Year during form time. Alternative arrangements can be made for those students facing barriers to access online packages- this will be addressed on an individual need basis by their Head of Year. 

One of the many benefits of using this system is that as a Parent/Carer, you are able to see exactly what deadlines your child has each week for homework. This will enable your child to organise their week accordingly around existing commitments, using their time more efficiently.

If you need help or support in accessing homework on a digital device, please speak to a member of staff.

Mrs K Curtis
Assistant Headteacher – Teaching and Learning & CPD